City Council Member, Breea Clark, visits CASP Programs!

CASP is thrilled to have Breea Clark, Ward 6 City Council Member, visiting its programs to share information about Norman Forward projects, City of Norman Departments, the importance of recycling, as well as the importance of voting! The kiddos have really enjoyed the experience and we look forward to having Councilwoman Clark visit more CASP programs in the coming months!


Councilwoman Clark is visiting CASP programs as part of CASP’s ongoing enrichment program, coordinated by AmeriCorps member, Cole Steffens. 

Councilwoman Clark shares information about the City of Norman with CASP students at Reagan Elementary. 

Councilwoman Clark shows Eisenhower CASP kiddos the Ward Map for the City of Norman. 

Councilwoman Clark goes over City of Norman Fast Facts with Washington CASP students. 

Councilwoman Clark does some Q & A with Eisenhower CASP students. 

Councilwoman Clark reads a special Dr. Seuss book about voting, “One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote” to CASP students at Jefferson Elementary. 

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