CASP and OU Alpha Tau Omega in the News!

Spooky SprintOn October 26th, the OU Daily featured a story about our partnership with the OU chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, hi-lighting the Spooky Sprint and 5K that ATO is hosting for CASP, as well as the past volunteer efforts of ATO members.

The interview featured quotes from last year’s 5K coordinator, Will Moon, who said that about 200 people have signed up for this year’s race. He also stated that if OU students can’t be involved in the 5K event, that they should consider giving their time to volunteer for CASP, and that “I have spent countless hours volunteering with [Community After School Program] and I would recommend it to everyone,” Moon said. “Being able to help local kids who may be struggling with school to succeed has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.”

Thanks to Will, and to this year’s coordinator, Adam Wagner, for caring about CASP!

Find the story here:

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