CASP recently presented Alpha Tau Omega with an award and a “Thank-You” card signed by CASP kids, for their fundraising efforts. A story about ATO’s partnership with CASP and the award presentation was featured in the Norman Transcript, which can be read here.
According to the Transcript article, Adam Wagner, a representative from ATO stated that “We decided to continue our efforts for CASP because we want to keep it local. A lot of us volunteer with CASP, and we’ve met the kids from different schools. It’s been really cool to see where our fundraising efforts go and how close to home our efforts can have an impact,” Wagner said. “For us, the bottom line was how much can we raise so that we canhave the biggest impact for the kids. We started with a goal of $5,000, which would have been an improvement from the $2,000 we raised our first year.”
ATO also stated the check to CASP had risen to the amount of $16,085.48.
Below are pictures of the award presentation to ATO.
Lindsey Ellis, Be Fit Senior Coordinator, presents the award to Adam Wagner and the ATO Committee who planned the 5K and Carnival
Members of ATO pictured with Lindsey Ellis and Tara Callaway of CASP.
Tara Callaway, Be Fit Coordinator, presents the “Thank-You” card to the ATO Committee
“Presented to: The Delta Kappa Chapter of ATO For Supporting CASP In Hosting a Successful 2nd Spooky Sprint 5K and Carnival. November 2014”