The 2nd Annual Spooky Sprint 5K was hosted on Sunday, November 2nd. Alpha Tau Omega, a fraternity on OU’s campus hosted the event and raised $15,446.34 for CASP! The event featured a free carnival for kids, complete with a costume contest, blow-up games, and other fun activities such as bowling, ring toss, pumpkin painting, balloon pop and more.
Rafael Lemus won the 5K with a time of 18.20!
First Place Winner of the Costume Contest!
The CASP Be Fit Team (from left), Lindsey Ellis, Tara Callaway and Julie Smith, along with CASP’s Director of Child Services, Brenda Birdsong, receive the Race Day Check!
Adam Wagner of ATO presents the Race Day check to the CASP Be Fit Team!
Members of ATO with the CASP Be Fit Team!