Earth Rebirth, a local non-profit organization that seeks “to bridge the gap between economic and environmental problems” is working with CASP in it’s Garden Your Own Growth Program.
Garden Your Own Growth is one of four programs run by Earth Rebirth and it’s mission is to “work with communities to educate and encourage the necessary skills to grow, maintain and harvest organic food for consumption using the most effective gardening techniques.”
Led by Stan Khrapak, Earth Rebirth interns are putting this mission into practice by teaching CASP kids at Reagan the ins and outs of growing a garden. This week marks the 4th week of organic planting and teaching at Reagan and the kids are having blast learning just how fun gardening can be. Thank you to Earth Rebirth for teaching our CASP kids this awesome skill!
Below is a before and after picture of the project! The top picture shows the garden area before Earth Rebirth started the program. On bottom is the garden from week three. The students are planting Carrots, Kale, Lettuce, and Spinach. You can see the pea plants already growing from the planting Earth Rebirth did in week two.
Below is a picture from week two. The Earth Rebirth crew is installing the irrigation system! The students excitedgly work in the garden and transplant their pea plants from pots into the soil.
Below, the students are busy planting fall crops in week three
Members of the Earth Rebirth gardening crew assist CASP kids with seed spacing in the Reagan Garden.
Pea plants are showing remarkable growth in week three. Students are excited to dig furrows and plant more seeds. The students work together to accomplish their goals with the guidance of skilled Earth Rebirth members.
Below, students gather around the garden and get instruction on how to proceed with the planting process. Students engage each Garden Your Own Growth structured lesson with enthusiasm. Garden lessons are designed to be inclusive and experiential.
The Earth Rebirth team finalizes the installation of the irrigation system in week three. CASP leaders can now easily water the garden with a turn of a key.
To learn more about Earth Rebirth, click on the logo below to be taken to their website!